Thursday, May 04, 2006

Positive Expectation Equals Profit: "Positive Expectation=Profit
It's an interesting fact that would seem to border on the supernatural. Simply having a positive expectation can have a significant end result on your bottom line.
I have seen sales increase in my business by doing nothing more than writing higher sales estimates in my forecasts.
I have seen substantial pay raises in my positions for other companies by expecting to get them.

For the next 90 days I'd like you to write down a clear financial goal.
It could be to double your sales over the next 90 days. It could be increasing your pay 10% over the same span of time. It could be growing your portfolio by a percentage.
The three key things to do are the math (i.e. know how much revenue doubling your sales requires), think of it as done and follow your intuition.
I believe you will find simply expecting a result can give you the absolute power to achieve it.
All the best!
Bill White