Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Brand New Mindset Website Launching Tomorrow

My client and good friend Adrian McMaster and his business partner Brenda James are releasing their brand new site tomorrow morning. Lead a Powerful Life will deliver high quality articles, products and services all designed to help you achieve the proper mindset for success in all aspects of your life.

They have compiled an extraordinary package of products to give away for their launch, which you can find here: http://www.lead-a-powerful-life.com/specialoffer.htm

There are so many quality products it's more like a success scholarship.

I highly recommend you stop over right now and take them up on thier offer.

All the best!
Bill White
Success Radio

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

My Name is Bill, I'm a Success Coach, It's been 10 days since my last post ;p

For anyone who has been in a 12 step program or knew someone who was, you'll know that the power of the program is the networking involved. The strength of being in close communication with people of like mind, working to achieve the same goal is very powerful.

You don't have to have a significant dependency problem to benefit from this collective action. Success is by its very nature a team sport. Anyone who has reached for the stars has probably heard the nay sayers in their lives scoff at their hopes and ambitions. It's a sad but true fact, the road to success can leave you emotionally bruised. Fortunately, you can switch on what my son would call your "knowledge eyes" and realize that the sarcasm has nothing to do with you really but rather the lack of hope and fear in the other person.

I have to share with you that I've been very active lately on Myspace.com. I avoided the social networks for a long time. There were just too many news stories about predators and other creepy types stalking people online. (Certainly not my bag)
What I'm finding however is the enormous potential of these networks to reach out and interact with some really extraordinary people.

You know we get inundated with the same things over and over whenever life (or God) is tapping us on the shoulder to take a strong look at something. I'm the synchronicity expert right? I've gotten exactly this type of "God winking" about the social networks.

I'm a solid supporter of mastermind groups as well and what a great medium to use to put on together... what makes mastermind groups so powerful is when you find people who have similar ambitions but radically different experiences and skills and bring them together. The exponential power of this knowledge base is extraordinary.

Consider also the power of the internet to bring people from all corners of the world together in real time where we can post, chat, skype each other even. No more do we have to be content in our local area or wait for traditional slow communications to work. Yesterday I interviewed Logan Nathan, the creator of Aussieindolanka.com Here is a perfect example of a guy who has pulled large populations of people together from diverse cultures for social networking, for business, for increased communications.

If you don't wake up in the 21st century inspired by the power we have to shape our lives and our world you clearly aren't seeing the world as it is.

Imagine if we actually focused our efforts on tearing down cultural barriers, social barriers...all sorts of barriers and instead used these social networks as opportunities for true diplomacy, for learning about the many wonderful cultures and what they add to the world. Imagine if we could in small ways encourage and support one another to learn, grow and prosper. Until now, this would have been a total pipe dream, but let's face it, we can communicate with little restriction now. The internet has opened the door.

Be sure to check out Logan's interview at Success Radio 11:11

All the best!
Bill White

success strategies
secrets of my success

Monday, October 09, 2006

Consistency: How Solid Are You? Long Term It Means Everything To Success

I just heard an interesting concept in an audio broadcast about a concept called "Loverage." It was a great concept, stressing you should build great relationships, go the extra mile to over deliver and then ask for what you want. It's a great concept except that it comes from someone who in my experience and the experience of many associates of mine has the most to learn from his own words.

Yes the same person who shot off these words has used and abused not only his joint venture partners, his employees, but also his customers. So what do you think about a person who has so much to say about how you should live your life and then backs it up with 180 degree behaviour? I won't mention names.

That's why I want to talk about consistency. You see if your talk and your actions don't coincide, you may get over on a lot of people for a short time, BUT, and this is a huge BUT, eventually, the people who are solid, dedicated and truthful are going to plow you down. Life has a way of paying you back when you misrepresent yourself.

The short sightedness of this is pretty plain to see. When you get bad word of mouth, your business suffers. You go to sleep each night either believing your own b.s. which is liking laying in something I don't need to discuss or deep down it gnaws at you until you get something like cancer to either wake you up or take you down.

The sad thing is that so often we have people who we think of as heroes. These are people we look up to, and then one day we meet them and find out the message is bigger than the man or woman. What a disappointment to find someone you look up to is a worm.

I'm pleased to say this isn't always the case, and what drives me convictions even deeper are the moments I find someone I look up to and they are actually as solid as I thought they were.

Take for example Jeffery Combs, who I most recently interviewed on Success Radio 11:11. Jeffery is a celebrity by every right. He is well known, successful and a very busy man. Point is, he took the time to call me back personally and arrange the interview. He was extraordinarily nice to me and he took some time to study up on me and actually commend my work. Here is a guy who doesn't talk an example to follow, he LIVES IT. That is why I will always recommend that people see Jeffery any chance they get, to listen to his products and to learn from his leadership. He is REAL. (and you can visit his site at http://www.goldenmastermind.com )

My point here is this, to be a leader means you have to mean what you say and say what you mean, but it goes deeper. Words with no deeds mean nothing. When you find someone you admire is really just posing, this is an invitation from the world ro you to step up and become a leader. It's like God is saying, "ok, you see the weakness here, rise above it and raise the bar."

That's what I intend to do every day. I encourage you to do the same.

May you be blessed!

All the best!
Bill White

Success Strategies

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Social Networking: The New Success Tactic For Internet Marketing?

You know it's all too easy to get complacent about things and in business doing so is usually the precursor to a painful death. I've watched email marketing results decline steadily ever since CANSPAM legislation was enacted and it just seems to continue downhill. Now I'm not one against the idea of not getting SPAM...who wants to get it? As busy as we all are it makes perfect sense to be angry when we have to spend 10 minutes deleting viagra advertisements that say About Your Account or I'm Sorry I missed you last week. The point is we are so accustomed to being able to communicate freely and yet here is legislation that silences our voice even when what we have to say was requested. Enough of this soap box, if you want to change it do what I do and call the FTC. Tell them you want it changed.

That aside, the social networking thing has really grabbed me here lately. I've always really believed in building relationships. Sure, profit is profit, but ask any one of my clients and I'd be willing to bet they will tell you that over deliver is central to my way of doing business. The honest truth is a love people..and when I mix that with business it comes across. Well I went to MySpace at the urging of Marlon Sanders and joined his network and the neatest thing started happening. I started meeting lots of really quality people! Then I learned about two other networks even more intended for business. I joined both, why would I not..I'm seeing leads coming into my business funnel faster than ever...faster than even opt in at its finest hour!

The first is a great network called DirectMatches.com, Jason Mangrum told me about it, and I went to sign up. I intended to become a free user and nothing more until I saw the opportunity in it. I had 65 leads in my inbox in less than 24 hours after joining. "This is impressive," I thought. The same happened the next day and the next. So I upgraded and now I have to say it's a wonderful tool to do business with.

Oddly enough, I get another email advising me to another business network. Now this one dovetailed into the social networking idea and all the audio and video work I've been doing lately. Here's the story on this one:

Internet millionaire Joel Therien, president of Kiosk.ws
and Hotconference.com, two very popular websites has just
launched a new site called OpportunityMeetingPlace.

This site is a social networking site catered to one market,
entrepreneurial people and business opportunity seekers.

"The site is there for all types of people who want to
meet with other who have some of the same business
interests" says Therien " It caters to any type of
opportunity, investment clubs, franchises, Network
opportunities, Day traders, you name it and the site caters
to it.

With so many filters on the internet, even legitimate subscriber
email is getting blocked, which unfortunately rendering
newsletters somewhat ineffective leaving opportunity seekers
no valid or cost effective way to find or communicate with each

Opportunity meeting place is very different in that it allows
people to communicate in real time audio and video conferencing
in a secure environment.

People can join free knowing that others on the site will enjoy
hearing about their opportunities.

You can visit the site at

So there you have it. Between the 3, I intend to grow the largest network ever. For what? To empower as many people as I can into being more successful in their lives.

On that note, one other resource to check out. My dear friend Adrian McMaster and his partner Brenda James have a new website all about developing the proper mindset to be successful, it's called http://www.lead-a-powerful-life.com Be sure to check it out. The articles alone will keep you busy for a month!

All the best!
Bill White
Success Radio 11:11
Success Secrets
Subconscious Mind
Bill's My Space
Direct Matches