Wednesday, October 18, 2006

My Name is Bill, I'm a Success Coach, It's been 10 days since my last post ;p

For anyone who has been in a 12 step program or knew someone who was, you'll know that the power of the program is the networking involved. The strength of being in close communication with people of like mind, working to achieve the same goal is very powerful.

You don't have to have a significant dependency problem to benefit from this collective action. Success is by its very nature a team sport. Anyone who has reached for the stars has probably heard the nay sayers in their lives scoff at their hopes and ambitions. It's a sad but true fact, the road to success can leave you emotionally bruised. Fortunately, you can switch on what my son would call your "knowledge eyes" and realize that the sarcasm has nothing to do with you really but rather the lack of hope and fear in the other person.

I have to share with you that I've been very active lately on I avoided the social networks for a long time. There were just too many news stories about predators and other creepy types stalking people online. (Certainly not my bag)
What I'm finding however is the enormous potential of these networks to reach out and interact with some really extraordinary people.

You know we get inundated with the same things over and over whenever life (or God) is tapping us on the shoulder to take a strong look at something. I'm the synchronicity expert right? I've gotten exactly this type of "God winking" about the social networks.

I'm a solid supporter of mastermind groups as well and what a great medium to use to put on together... what makes mastermind groups so powerful is when you find people who have similar ambitions but radically different experiences and skills and bring them together. The exponential power of this knowledge base is extraordinary.

Consider also the power of the internet to bring people from all corners of the world together in real time where we can post, chat, skype each other even. No more do we have to be content in our local area or wait for traditional slow communications to work. Yesterday I interviewed Logan Nathan, the creator of Here is a perfect example of a guy who has pulled large populations of people together from diverse cultures for social networking, for business, for increased communications.

If you don't wake up in the 21st century inspired by the power we have to shape our lives and our world you clearly aren't seeing the world as it is.

Imagine if we actually focused our efforts on tearing down cultural barriers, social barriers...all sorts of barriers and instead used these social networks as opportunities for true diplomacy, for learning about the many wonderful cultures and what they add to the world. Imagine if we could in small ways encourage and support one another to learn, grow and prosper. Until now, this would have been a total pipe dream, but let's face it, we can communicate with little restriction now. The internet has opened the door.

Be sure to check out Logan's interview at Success Radio 11:11

All the best!
Bill White

success strategies
secrets of my success