Being a coach makes me think in terms of success all the time. I gain new clients and some people I know immediately are going to climb the mountain to their goals without stopping to take a breath, others will be a flash in the pan and yet others will says one thing and do something completely different. Having coached as many people as I have, I've begun to see some common denominators to the things that make successful people tick.
First, you have to be proactive. If you are the type that waits to be told what to do, you are very likely not going to go the distance. You have to be willing to take action before you are ready and make choices quickly even if they are the wrong choices. People spend most of their time preparing to get started then getting distracted by life, then preparing to get started again. This is like living the first day of kindergarten over and over!
Next, you have to have focus. You have to know what you want if you expect to get it. This is sometimes a significant problem for people. This again is part of the indecisiveness problem. I always tell my clients who can't figure it out, make a choice, if you find the realization of it not fulfilling...create a new dream. There is a lot of power just in that simple concept. For instance, having dated quite a bit in my life before I married, I learned so much about what type of woman I wanted by dating women who weren't the right ones! I'm sure you can relate to this. Make a crystal clear target of what you want and when you want it and you'll be finding it much easier to move toward that target!
Perserverence is another huge critical factor. This is something I learned from my late father...a man who would fix our cars in February with freezing rain coming down around matter how cold, how long he had to be there...he did it. If roadblocks along the way are going to stop you, why start? There is basically nothing that can stop you unless you allow it to. It may slow you down temporarily but most problems are just things you haven't experienced before and have to learn how to handle or overcome.
Attitude is a double edged sword because it all comes down to which side of attitude you want to play on. If you think being negative doesn't take a toll on you, that little thoughts can't destroy your chances of winning...think again! Positive thinking won't take you the whole journey...this is why you can't sit on a mountaintop and meditate your way to a million bucks...but having a Negative Attitude will demotivate you, steal your focus and make other successful people that could help you not want to be around you. You've got to take it on the chin sometimes and keep smiling. You can't always control what happens, but you can control how you react to it!
Finally, you've got to have faith. Faith happens when you say I don't know how this will work out, but I know it will....and then you just do it! I recall hearing a rock and roll star saying blind faith in anything will get you killed. I'll tell you this, blind faith is what has made all the difference to me. When you step out on faith the magic starts happening!
That's it for me today, I'm exhausted and I've gotten lots accomplished. Action, Focus, Perserverence, Attitude and Faith.....
All the best!
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