How Easy Success Can BeI don't want to brag. I'm the most unwilling celebrity you'd ever meet. I have no interest in impressing men or women. I'm happily married and I'm not on the prowl. I have no care in the world whether you think I'm cool or not because I often think I'm a real dork! That said, I want to impress upon you how incredible knowing people and networking can be.
I just spoke with someone who has a customer base around 30,000 people. This is a healthy market base but not the biggest I've got access to. We came to a preliminary agreement to do a joint venture that could bring about a million in business through the doors within less than a month to 6 weeks. Again, I'm not rubbing this in your face, nor is this a sure thing, it could collapse and perform over or under our initial expectations.
The important thing to note here is this. What makes this work is essentially 3 primary components.
1) I have a product or service to sell and that product or service is in the 4 figure range.
2) I know someone who has access to a large market base that is targeted to my offer.
3) I've established a good repoire with this person and I'll compensate him generously for his effort.
We are all out here looking for some arcane and mysterious code to unlock the secret to making huge amount of money. If you think that stops when you hit 6 or 7 figures don't kid yourself! What I find more often than not is that it is the simple things just like this "secret" I'm sharing with you here that will make you huge gains.
So I'll make it even simpler for you.
1) Create a product or service based on something you know a lot about and that has an overall good market size.
2) Network with people in that industry and find the people who have similar but non-competing products in the same market.
3) Develop marketing materials they can use to promote your product or service and offer them along with a great compensation plan for their efforts.
4) Do this with as many people as you can possibly meet and keep doing it!
Right here, right now, I've given you a serious formula that could make you a multi-millionaire.
All the best!
Bill White