Saturday, June 17, 2006

Moving On Up! Success Radio 11:11 gets into the top 200,000 sites on Alexa!
Related Info for:

Thanks to everyone for your support and your traffic. I couldn't push a podcast
up that high without the help of some terrific people!

Be sure to keep checking Success Radio 11:11 the guests will keep coming and if
you have any suggestions for guests, by all means let me know!

All the best!
Bill White

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Emotional Stress and Staying the Course

Something that sets real leaders apart from the crowd is their ability to stay the course. Leadership is about taking charge when things are hard. It's about remaining calm in stressful situations. I can't tell you how often I observe people absolutely sabotage themselves when they are so very close to absolute success. It's like sometimes people have a bomb ready to go off and the trigger is the moment success is about to knock. You may have witnessed this in other people. You might see a co-worker who is about to get a promotion have a total meltdown just before.

Sometimes people are working on becoming successful and the have a friend or a spouse or someone who starts really rattling the cage, pushing the drama at all the wrong times. It is critical that you stop living a roller coaster lifestyle if you want to be successful. Entire days of productivity can be wasted because you are angry or upset about something. If this happens often you'll feel like you work and work but never get ahead.

It is much better to feel a consistent neutral feeling than either extremes. Too much elation begs for a let down. Depression stifles everything. So how do you drop the drama? You refuse to let it start. You walk out of the room and refuse to have conflict when your spouse starts laying into you. You refuse to get angry or frustrated with what other people do. Most of all you realize that having expectations of other people is the leading cause of disappointment. Don't expect people to read your mind.

When I was much younger and used to brawl with guys, I learned an interesting fact. If you keep your calm, you almost always win. The guys who would lose their cool and come in a mad rush were easiest to defeat.

It's no secret that you think more clearly and efficiently when your mind isn't clouded with anger or despair. Next time you have a problem with a utility bill or a credit card company, instead of venting your frustrations with the automated system or the customer service representative try remaining calm, explaining things in a mellow manner and asking firmly but nicely for what you want. It almost always turns out to be better for you.

Strong leaders keep their cool. Can you?

All the best!
Bill White

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Dotted I's and Crossed T's

I have to admit I'm not the most detail oriented person around. I really get bored in the drudgery of details. That's why I play to my strengths as a conceptor. I like playing with the big pictures and giving the details to people who enjoy that sort of thing. Either way when all is said and done, I get really peeved when things aren't solid. That can spell problems in the fast economy we live in. It is typically better to deliver while creating to cut the production time and keep it profitable. What does this mean? It means you promote a product or service and build it as you fulfill the orders. I admit I have a hard time with it, but it allows you to get to market much faster thus giving you a competitive edge.

Before you do this though be aware, making false claims can get you in big trouble so be sure you can back up your claims with a tangible outcome and have really good staff to pull it off.

All the best!
Bill White

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

How Easy Success Can Be

I don't want to brag. I'm the most unwilling celebrity you'd ever meet. I have no interest in impressing men or women. I'm happily married and I'm not on the prowl. I have no care in the world whether you think I'm cool or not because I often think I'm a real dork! That said, I want to impress upon you how incredible knowing people and networking can be.

I just spoke with someone who has a customer base around 30,000 people. This is a healthy market base but not the biggest I've got access to. We came to a preliminary agreement to do a joint venture that could bring about a million in business through the doors within less than a month to 6 weeks. Again, I'm not rubbing this in your face, nor is this a sure thing, it could collapse and perform over or under our initial expectations.

The important thing to note here is this. What makes this work is essentially 3 primary components.

1) I have a product or service to sell and that product or service is in the 4 figure range.
2) I know someone who has access to a large market base that is targeted to my offer.
3) I've established a good repoire with this person and I'll compensate him generously for his effort.

We are all out here looking for some arcane and mysterious code to unlock the secret to making huge amount of money. If you think that stops when you hit 6 or 7 figures don't kid yourself! What I find more often than not is that it is the simple things just like this "secret" I'm sharing with you here that will make you huge gains.

So I'll make it even simpler for you.

1) Create a product or service based on something you know a lot about and that has an overall good market size.
2) Network with people in that industry and find the people who have similar but non-competing products in the same market.
3) Develop marketing materials they can use to promote your product or service and offer them along with a great compensation plan for their efforts.
4) Do this with as many people as you can possibly meet and keep doing it!

Right here, right now, I've given you a serious formula that could make you a multi-millionaire.

All the best!
Bill White

Success Through Flexibility- Are You An Oak Or A Pine?

I have a friend who wrote an excellent play about an oak tree and a pine. The oak thought it was so much stronger than the pine that it mocked it. The pine lived day in and day out with the mockery of the oak, until one day a strong storm blew through.

As the winds raced through the rustling leaves, blowing harder and faster the oak felt its limbs snapping. The Pine being tall and thin simply bent over each time the gusts gave thier force. By the end of the storm, the pine remained unharmed but the oak lay felled and dying.

When it comes to success this is so very relevant. How often have you started out to try your hand at real estate investing or starting a business and when the winds blew, you rigidly insisted on doing what you knew instead of leaning with the change and learning a new way to go? Change is the only constant in this world. If you can't adapt you'll be replaced. It is very important to your success that you take heed and learn that you need to be flexible enough to go with the situations.

All the best!
Bill White

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Success Through Reverse Engineering: Yes You Can Travel Time!

Did that get your attention? Before you think I'm talking about jumping into a phone booth and rounding up heroes from times both future and past ala Bill and Ted, this topic is about hypothetical techniques.

If you ever want to achieve loftier goals, a great thing to do is to imagine yourself in the future and see yourself having the desired goal. Then ask yourself how you did it. This may seem extremely stupid at first, but if you try it I think you may find it is amazing how much good information you can retrieve in this manner.

It's a mind set shift...and really you are looking at the realization and then deconstructing the steps to get simply makes you look at it from a different viewpoint.

When we think of goals outside of our context, they often don't seem real..therefore we don't dig into the reality of them as deeply. This is also why they don't come to pass as often!

On a side note, I know I've been away from the blog for a few days...sometimes you have to live a little life to have something more to say. I've been very busy with some brand new projects and with a couple of new interviews for Success Radio 11:11. Be sure to check them out!

All the best!
Bill White

Friday, June 02, 2006

How Bad Do You Want Success?

I guess it shouldn't surprise me that a lot of people think wealth should happen with little to no effort involved. Heck, that's the central theme of our society it seems. I've been asked a lot why I'm a "workaholic" and my answer is the same. You can't be a workaholic when you see what you do as play. I love what I do. Do I put in long hours doing it? Yes!

I'm all for leverage but sometimes I think we need to step back and remember the quote that "Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration." Ultimately if you aren't as successful as you want to be, you have to confront yourself (who is ultimately to praise or blame for anything that happens in your life!).

If the tv is more important than your goals why should you ever acheive them?

I had a great interview with a really down to earth, genuine guy named Michael Nicholas tonite. I could have been sleeping. He could have been too. Instead we were up working on delivering something of value to the world. That's what makes someone successful. The extra mile is a street paved with gold. You don't think so? I got two more leads from him for future interviews and I've had two more contacts made in the last 24 hours besides. That is 4 brand new people that I can find a way to help!

After all was said and done, I had a great night and I thought I'd share the last 5 minutes awake with you. I genuinely hope that everyone who ever reads these words finds success. I could be sleeping,you probably are, but maybe, just maybe something I say will make a difference for you one day. That is my hope, my intent and my wish for you.

All the best!
Bill White

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