Success Through Reverse Engineering: Yes You Can Travel Time!
Did that get your attention? Before you think I'm talking about jumping into a phone booth and rounding up heroes from times both future and past ala Bill and Ted, this topic is about hypothetical techniques.
If you ever want to achieve loftier goals, a great thing to do is to imagine yourself in the future and see yourself having the desired goal. Then ask yourself how you did it. This may seem extremely stupid at first, but if you try it I think you may find it is amazing how much good information you can retrieve in this manner.
It's a mind set shift...and really you are looking at the realization and then deconstructing the steps to get simply makes you look at it from a different viewpoint.
When we think of goals outside of our context, they often don't seem real..therefore we don't dig into the reality of them as deeply. This is also why they don't come to pass as often!
On a side note, I know I've been away from the blog for a few days...sometimes you have to live a little life to have something more to say. I've been very busy with some brand new projects and with a couple of new interviews for Success Radio 11:11. Be sure to check them out!
All the best!
Bill White
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