Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Real Success=Selling You

Are you someone who thinks that sales people are dishonest? Does the thought of selling make you want to run to a bathroom stall? I'm here to tell you that one of the highest paying jobs there is, is SALES. In fact, I believe I read a statistic that said the higest paying profession (excluding entrepenuerial business starters and real estate investors) is in fact Sales!

Now does that mean I'm telling you to grab a monkey suit and hit a car lot tomorrow morning? Only if that's where you are today! But we sell all day everyday no matter who we are and what we're doing. You doubt me? How did you hook up with that boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife? You think you weren't selling then? How about when you ask for that raise, borrow the neighbors lawnmower.... You are constantly selling. Now acknowledge that then welcome yourself to the real world.

You see, everyone has an agenda, even you. It may be your agenda is to support a charity but what lies underneath that? Isn't it making yourself feel good about you? Be honest! And HEY, that's ok! Now that you can admit to yourself that you are in fact SELLING, let's get you good at it!

To be good, here is what you need to do, tell everyone you meet what is in it for them. That's right, quit living for you, live for everyone else. Make it your life mission to assist as many people in getting what they want as you can. You are now a professional sorter and you are sorting people you can help from people you can't. Are you catching on yet?

Don't ever let rejection bother you because people aren't rejecting YOU, they are rejecting the opportunity to be helped by you. Big difference! Now you can stand tall and breathe deeply. You are awesome and you are every thing you ever need to be. Now imagine that you are a billionaire...yep, skip the millions. You say trillionaire? Go for it! Let this idea linger....forever. Delude yourself. Now go about your business and watch how people fall over themselves to assist you. Wonderful isn't it? Don't believe me...go test it and come back tomorrow!

All the best!
Bill White
