When Success And Motivation heroes Turn Out To Be Disappointing.
You know I've been letting this one sit in the back of my mind for awhile. I had to let it simmer down because it was boiling and I don't like to speak when I'm angry.
When it comes to the subject of personal development I take an almost sanctimonious attitude. What could be more spiritual than wanting to improve who you are? Is this not the point of every dogma out there...To give us a foundation to improve ourselves? That is why when I find out that someone who is spreading the gospel of motivation and success is doing so while at the same time stepping on people to make himself a fortune, acting completely from greed and selfishness and downright being a phony I get really furious. It makes it even worse when it was someone whose advice did help me at one time and whom I had a good, fuzzy, warm feeling about.
I'll tell you right now that I'm not going to mention any names. What I will say is this though, sometimes the message can be bigger than the man. When you find that to be the case take the message and leave the man. What can be worse than someone who claims to help people achieve wealth while he screws people over. It's not the profit incentive or the lack of 100% success rates, it the intentional, willful deceit, the lies and the disregard for people. You could be a "made" man and you'd be more honest, in fact I've known a few who were!
I take my greatest satisfaction in knowing that what comes around goes around and that the very best revenge is my own success. I can sleep well at night knowing I offered this person my help at a discount from my normal price in good faith and that I treated every part of my dealings with them with the highest ethical standards. The short sightedness of someone who thinks grabbing a buck today at the expense of integrity won't leave them in a bad position later is almost too funny and naive' to be angered at for long. Shame on them, and they know who they are. God is watching you!
All the best!
Bill White
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