Sunday, August 13, 2006

When A Growing Business Becomes Less Of A Blessing: You Think You Got Problems?

I'm not going to go through a long apology...yes I've been away. Yes it's been a busy time (wrapping up the 2nd book I'll release this year) and yes no excuses...I accept full responsibility for letting the blog slide.

Let's talk about something you wouldn't ordinarily think about unless you've started seeing some real success in life.

Most people think the main problem with money is not having enough, but I'm here to tell you that sometimes having too much can be an even bigger problem!

To illustrate, imagine you have a've been limping along for 2 or 3 years making under $50k a might think it's about time to put the permanently closed sign out right? Then you thank you lucky stars because just in the nick of time, you get a contract that is're about 30 days from stepping into a high 6 or maybe even 7 figure cash flow, but guess what? You had to scale up to handle it and now you have payroll due in 2 weeks.

You may be pretty slick and tell me, "You can just factor your invoices!" Which I would pat you on the back for even thinking of...and it's a great answer except that maybe in this case the client doesn't have the credit history to pass muster or you're in a line of work that companies don't like to risk factoring.

These are the headaches you inherit when you start growing your wealth.

I tell you this not to finally cave in to the growing sentiment that socialism is a good idea...heck no! I am and will always be a lover of capitalism and free enterprise.... but what I am doing is trying to make you aware that there will be challenges no matter how many zeros trail behind your bottom line!

It feels good to be back..and I hope you'll stay tuned!

All the best!
Bill White