Don't Be An Internet Marketing Statistic
I had this great blog post was paragraphs long and unfortunately lost it. You know the kind where you get into that flow and everything you say just seems to come out right?
The thing I was saying was that I released the video that links to the title of this post 2 days ago. It's not an Emmy award winner to be sure. I really stink at video production.
No I'm not talking about the video below this post that shows how fat I've gotten! (Walking briskly and changing the diet...I promise!)It's ok...I'm cool with it. I don't want to stay fat, but it's been fun being here once. I was always the guy who couldn't gain when I was younger! I find it I know it's true, fat people really are jolly! Enough about my need for more exercise....the video..
Never the less, I had to release it because I'm sickened by how many people are looking for an answer to their financial dilemna and want so bad out of the 9 to 5 rat race and then get tangled up in the internet marketing chase the rainbow down for the pot of gold strategy.
It's a sad truth...we are all used to being employees. Since no one has been an entrepenuer in most families for at least 2 generations we don't have the skills to navigate a successful business. I was there, until I learned. I know.
The video shows the formulas and metrics I use to run my business.
I get so tired of these "snake oil" salesmen who feed on your greed and milk you for cash. I've had the displeasure of working for and with them. They are all too common.
Let me tell you what success is. Success doesn't come down to how many zeros you have in your bank account. It's all about being solid. Being true to your core deed not just word. Consistently operating from ground zero. Dependable. Steadfast. When you operate this way you can sleep standing up. Trust me, ask my wife she'll swear I can do this.
Bottom line, when you speak the truth, you don't have to cover a lie. You sleep well. You exude confidence. You are SOLID. Do you know how attractive that is?
I've been going the extra mile for a long time now. Ask any client of mine how much time I give them they didn't have to pay for. I can't believe how many so called "business gurus" haven't figured out that if you under promise and over deliver people always love you!
Anyway, this isn't about me's about you. If you want to be a total long term success...don't be like the swindlers I used to drink with a decade ago running the streets of Ocean View in Norfolk, VA... say what you mean, mean what you say and deliver on your word. That my friends is the stuff champions are made of.
I love you a strange agape way I truthfully do.
Be blessed!
All the best!
Bill White
secrets of my success
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