Synchronicity Live! Incredible Call Today!
I just wrapped up the first call today on Decoding Life's Secret Messages. Paul Corben was on the call and started talking about his current progress. Paul is a coaching client of mine and has been becoming increasingly aware of the synchonicity factor in his own life.
Paul mentioned that he and his friend Akira had been looking into jewelery as a business online. They were particularly interested in opals.
Then he told me he had been doing some work on chakras and energy work.
He also mentioned he had 2 seperate incidents with cats interacting with him.
We started discussing the symbolic meanings of cats and I told him how cats energy fields run counterclockwise while human being's energy fields run clockwise and that petting a cat is a known way to realign your energy field.
I suggested he look up the symbolic meaning of opals since he was drawn to look at them. I went and did a google search on the symbolic meaning of opals and the first site I navigated to was a pdf on the opal chakra. I then started reading parts of it to him and mentioned the two colors that were mentioned as being co-joined in the opal chakra, those were pink and green. He told me he was carrying 2 opals in his wallet right now and they were, yes, pink and green.
Overall, today's call was amazing. Paul felt very confident that the choices he is making are carrying him in the right direction. I'll see if I can get Paul to write up something from his perspective on today's event.
All the best!
Bill White
Synchronicity Expert
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