Conquering The "Oh Crap" Factor In Your Success
You know inevitably Murphy's Law will kick in no matter how positive you are and your best laid plans will trip on a hitch. This doesn't have to derail you.
I get reminded of this lesson all the time. Success happens in spite of my luck often times. Much of success in life is about figuring out the most likely mistakes or accidents that can happen and planning how to manage them when they do happen.
You can save face many times by simply spending an hour creating contingency plans for your action plans. Here is my bullet proof formula for conquering the inevitable adversity in your life.
1. When setting goals and the corresponding action plans, think "real world" and figure out your most likely problems.
2. Dedicate your resolve to achieving the goals no matter what.
2. Come up with at least 1 or 2 solutions to the probable problems.
3. When the problem occurs, look at is as a challenge rather than a problem. By simply changing your perspective on the situation, you can be better equipped to deal with it.
4. Keep going. Don't get discouraged and what ever you do, never give up.
Successful people don't have every detail go right, they simply learn to conquer the challenges as they come up. A little dose of laughter about the absurdity of a "problem" can take you a lot further than getting angry, discouraged or dejected about it.
Now get out there and make it happen whatever it takes!
All the best!
Bill White
Success Secrets
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