Friday, May 19, 2006

Dealing With Frustrations

So often when you are trying to be more successful you hit roadblocks. Sometimes it is someone you are working with that isn't producing things quickly enough, other times it's having to learn a new technology and not having an easy time of it. If the road to wealth and success were easy, everyone would be laying on a beach sipping pina colada's. Don't think that having a million dollars makes everything go right. No matter where you are on the ladder of success things can still go wrong. What is more important than whether or not your luck is perfectly good, is how you deal with the situations that occur. You can't control everything, but you can control yourself.

When things go wrong, the first thing to do is take a small break. Get up and take a walk. Do some deep breathing. Avoid talking about things to anyone else when you are frustrated. You are more likely to say the wrong thing, make matters worse or attract more problems when you are in this state of mind. Once you've calmed yourself take a look at the situation. Ask yourself the following questions:

Is this current task mission critical? If it doesn't get done what are the repercussions? If you are more concerned about how things are done, than that they are done...or if you are worrying about some detail that makes little difference, let it go.

How did the problem arise and what is the easiest solution? Do you need to just do it yourself? Can you encourage the other person to get it done more quickly? Can you delegate it to someone else? Is there an expert you currently aren't employing that you could hire or contract to take care of it?

Do you lack information that you need? What do you need to find out to solve this? Where can you likely find this information?

The solution to frustration is analysis followed immediately by action.

Think of frustrations as the challenges you as a hero/heroine must face. Change your thinking so instead of frustrated you feel "challenged" then rise to the challenge. These will be the stories you tell one day when people ask about your success!

All the best!
Bill White