A Day of Thanks: Gratitude is a Huge Part of Success
Today is Thanksgiving in the United States. I just ate two plates of a traditional turkey dinner with my Mother and my extended family the Agrestos.
Everyday, I strive to start my day expressing gratitude for the many blessings in my life so for me Thanksgiving is a holiday reminder of what we should be doing daily in our lives.
I am so very thankful for having a loving family, friends who are like family, my precious son...but looking a little closer, there are just so many things we can really be thankful for. How often do we take the little things for granted? How many sunsets and sunrises do you ignore each day? How many times do you type at your own keyboard just like I am right now, able to connect to the world through you keyboard, use your hands and fingers to express in words the way you think and feel? How many times have you shared a smile with someone who needed it at just that moment? Truthfully, every breath of air we breathe is a blessing. Tapping into this we can feel so blessed at the abundance of this world and life.
This is my first holiday away from my son. I miss him, but I'm so thankful he is healthy and alive. So grateful to have the privilege of being his Dad. So thankful I can use Skype to call him later and see him in real time right on my computer screen.
I'm thankful also for you, that you believe enough in me to read these words.
May your day be a blessed and magical time well spent with friends and family.
All the best!
Bill White
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