Lessons In Faith: Synchronicity and Success
It never ceases to amaze me how great life changes while appearing scary always have major room for opportunity if you keep the proper perspective.
After 7 years my wife decided to pull the plug on us. This was a struggle for me, because I don't believe in divorce. For me, the religous upbringing I had taught me that "a man should not put away his wife, nor a wife her husband." That aside, there is also the stress it puts on my son, who I care more about than anything. Having to walk away from all of the dreams we built, the day to day of living with my son...all very difficult.
BUT, I found it interesting that the day before I moved out my son and I looked at a house that is just perfect for me. Not to mention that I got a call the day I was leaving letting me know a company who I intended to do business with was interested in me. Yes, there is a silver lining.
It's amazing but true that sometimes it isn't the things you need to be doing but the things you need to let go off that really counts if you want to aspire to your greatness.
I travelled 1384 miles back to my hometown and found everything gathering back into a perfect order. Soon, I'll make the 1384 miles back to Texas to be close to my son. Everything lining up in a perfect sequence like some intelligence guided my through this with the minimum of casualty.
I learned a long time ago to step out in faith, trusting that all would be ok and I've consistently found it to be true. Fear is nothing more than false evidence appearing real. It's an illusion. We only feel pain from what we resist.
I hope this entry will give you some strength in whatever you may be going through.
All the best!
Bill White
success secrets
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