Sometime Success Means I'll Give It Another Try Tomorrow
I usually stay really upbeat in my postings here. Today is no exception, but I have to say today was one of those "character building" days.
Not everyone knows I got divorced fact to my surprise I found out today it isn't final yet. (Despite the fact I thought it was final on the 2nd and I've got a house under contract..with time ticking down)
My message tonite is that even people who have great success face adversity. You might look at one of the leading "gurus" out there and think I want to be where they are, they are so far beyond it all. Trust me, life will throw a curve ball no matter where you fall on the chain of success.
I was all set this morning to close on my new house on Friday, that is until I found out the bank needed my divorce decree, the decree I haven't yet receieved.
Seems they needed validation of my child support amount. I called my ex-wife and asked her to check on it, only to find her lawyer hasn't completed it yet.
This pushes things further into the future for me. My visions of getting moved in are now further off in the mist. I could lose out on the offer if it doesn't happen quickly enough. I thought I had crossed the crossroads, only to find it at my feet once again.
Today, I lost my composure. I got caught in the moment by a sucker punch. My blood boiled and I spent 4 hours fuming. Does this mean I've lost. Not even.
No matter where you are financially, spiritually, emotionally, physically, you'll face challenges..things that come out of nowhere and knock you down. It's inevitable and it isn't whether or not you fall down but whether you stay down that counts.
I'll get up in the morning ready to fight another round. What's going on with you? If you're bruised, spit in the can, listen to me tell ya you can do it and get back in the ring ok?
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