Deeds Not Words
I had a strong case of Synchronicity this morning. I am notorious for not getting enough sleep. My diet isn't horrible, I don't smoke, drink heavily or do any illegal drugs...but I must confess I love to stay awake! I retired early last night around 9pm hoping to get my internal clock recalibrated...planning to get up about 4:30 or 5am. Instead I had a very vivid and intense dream and woke up at exactly 1:11am.
This is the first 1:11, 11:11, 2:22 etc. experience I've had in some time and I always take it to mean I'm running very close to my destiny when I start seeing it frequently. In this instance I immediately started praying, it was very intense. I gave praise and found myself to be weeping.
Those who know me, know for me to cry is almost unheard of...for me to! I can't say what was the cause other than that I felt close to God in those moments.
After that I felt the need to get up and read the good book. So I did just that and I came upon some scripture that was just read to me not long ago from a new friend. It was speaking about how believing in one God isn't enough, the demons believe and tremble. What it boils down to is that you have to not only believe but you have to act according to that belief. I thought it was a very strong message for me..and I thought it would be a good one to pass on to you.
They say the road to hell is lined with good intentions. How much of what you believe are you actually living? Do you have the courage of your convictions? I know that I strive very hard to live up to my beliefs and I am thankful I have a forgiving master because I fall short frequently. Were it not for my saviour I'd be lost. But this is a great refocus for me...this 1:11 wake up call. It says to me, live with love for thy neighbor and show in deeds not just words what you believe.
I am sure not everyone who reads these posts is a Christian...and I have hopes for you. But I believe that you will be most convinced by my life and not by my words.
Also, it dawned on me today that I could probably place a player for the podcast right here so you can sample it! I'm not sure if this will work but here goes!
There is a new interview up and it's a really good one with Ineke Van Lint. Be sure to check it out!
All the best!
Bill White
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