Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Success: How To Get Out Of A Funk

Sometimes you find yourself moving along steadily with your goals. Other times life happens. Do you know what I mean? Sometimes things take an unexpected turn or don't go as quickly as you'd like. If this happens enough you can find yourself derailed from the dream track. But then what?

Well if you're a loser, you give up and go back to the 9 to 5 grind like a good little cow in the pasture. If you want to win you have to learn to swim upstream!

Here are just a few thoughts on that concept that I've found personally helpful.

1) If you discover yourself off track, don't freak out. You should expect that at times you'll get delayed. Just take a moment to review your goals and pick up at the part you last accomplished.

2) Don't blame outside influences for your set back. Take full responsibility and simply make a course correction. Blame leads to excuses why you don't reach your goals. No time for that!

3) Take an hour and still your mind and body. Take a cold shower. Listen to some loud music. Whatever it takes to get you motivated and clear. It is well worth an hour to do this if it will focus you again.

4) Build a support network. You can use a Mastermind Group, a network of success minded friends or just a supportive spouse but tell people what you intend to accomplish and have them follow up with you about it. This will hold you accountable. It is amazing what living up to your own mouth can help you do!

All the best!
Bill White

secrets of my success
success strategies